Welcome to NARI
The National Agricultural Research Institute was established in 1993, by an act of parliament of the republic of The Gambia. NARI evolved from the department of agricultural research, of the then Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Today, NARI is a major component of The Gambian Agricultural Research System (NARS)...
More about NARI

The mission of NARI is to provide technological solutions to the problems of producers and inform policy makers on options to increase agricultural production and productivity by: Conducting applied client oriented and adaptive research in agriculture and natural resources, to inform policy-makers on options to increase agricultural productivity and production without detriment to the natural resource base and to the environment and to study, supervise and control the production of nucleus, foundation and certified seeds of the major seeds grown in the Gambia.
NARI have the vision of improving livelihood of producers and to enhance food security in a sustainable environment with technologies generated through applied and adaptive research in agriculture and natural resources.
NARI Research Directorates
Agricultural and Rural Economics Research Directorate
Agriculture Engineering Research and Farm Management Directorate
Cropping Systems and Agroforestry Research Directorate
Aflatoxin and other chemical analysis in products produce for clientele
Lead Scientist:
Mr Muhammad Taylor -
Research Publications
You can view and download here NARI annual research reports, and research publications by NARI scientists and other scientists elsewhere.
View all PublicationsLaboratories
NARI has three research centers (Yundum, Sapu and Giroba) supported by laboratories and mixed farming centers (Bakindik, Somita, Njau, Kwenella, and Mamutfana) in major agroecological zones.
View all Laboratories-
Food Chemistry Lab
Pest Management Lab