Agricultural and Rural Economics Research Directorate
This program cuts across all of NARI’s other programs works principally in participatory research and technology development
Agriculture Engineering Research and Farm Management Directorate
Focuses on operations aimed at alleviating or reducing drudgery and increasing the productive capacity of small farmers
Cropping Systems and Agroforestry Research Directorate
Responsible for developing cost effective and relevant technologies that will utilize and improve natural resources potential while maintaining the quality of the environment
Crops Research Directorate
Crops Research Directorate comprises of three programs (Cereals, Grain Legumes and Oil seeds and Horticulture
Food Chemistry and Aflatoxin Research Directorate
A brief description of the Directorate should come here for the user please. just a paragraph don't make it too long
Integrated Pest Management Research Directorate
Responsible for plant protection through the development of integrated pest management technologies to control pests, diseases and weed problems of Gambian crops
Livestock and Aquaculture Research Directorate
Responsible for livestock research especially in the areas of animal health and production