The Agricultural and Rural Economics Research Directorate is one of the research thematic programs of the National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) that is mandated to conduct cost-benefit analysis, diffusion, adoption and impact studies of technologies generated by NARI. It is also mandated to implement baseline studies for agricultural projects and conduct research on farmer constraints in order to identify problems hindering agricultural production and inform policy makers about different policy options that can be implemented to address the constraints hindering agricultural production and productivity. This directorate is also responsible for monitoring and evaluation of all research activities of NARI and the partner institutions.
- This program cuts across all of NARI’s other programs works principally in participatory research and technology development
- Assessing the constraints and the socio-economic realities of farmers, including gender issues, through the use of participatory rural appraisal techniques
- Cost benefit analysis of new technologies developed by research
- Farm Management Program is responsible for the overall operational farm mechanization activities of the institute and it cuts across all research programs and service all land preparation and maintenance requirement of the institute’s farm facilities